SMC Medical Centre
February 2022
It has long been an ambition of Raj and the Trust to provide local medical support for the children, their families and the local community.
The sight of SMC is very rural and so medial facilities aren’t available, meaning often people are left with two choices: To travel a long way and pay for their care or to simply leave it.
The latter is sadly far too often the case. It is our wish to provide a medical centre on the SMC sight allowing children to receive necessary care as soon as they need it, but also top continue our out reach work and support the local community.
Research, pricing and funding is currently being looked at for the ambitious project.
September 2023
With the support of many kind donations, the building work for the new medical centre is well on its way. The structure is up and work has begun on the electrics and plastering.
Stage two once the building work is complete, is to begin fitting out the centre with the necessary furniture and medical equipment.
The medical centre will be a wonderful and much need facility for the school and surrounding area.
September 2024
We are delighted that in September we began the soft opening of the medical centre and look forward to the expanding of the services in time as work the work is completed.